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The Llewellyn School

The Llewellyn School

Kindness, Inclusion, Perseverance, Respect and Thankfulness
Empowering tomorrow's hero's - Today


Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


Children learn best when they are inspired, motivated and challenged; when they are active learners in an environment that encourages them to be independent and confident to question and explore.


Our education and specialist provision reflects on our current pupil cohort. Our timetables are inclusive, meaningful and provide the specialist individual interventions that our pupils need to support their own personal developments.


We provide education for pupils functioning at the very earliest levels of development up to national curriculum expected levels and above. The school offers a holistic communication environment and culture. Our curriculum enables every child to learn and develop individual skills making them active partners in achieving their goals. It is interactive, enjoyable and visual.


Every pupil at the Llewellyn school has an Education, Health and Care plan. We recognise that many of our pupils experience multiple/complex needs and are functioning at early levels of development regardless of their chronological age; many also experience additional physical and sensory impairments and require specialists’ medical interventions. All of our pupils are supported 1:1 and our class sizes are small.


Lessons are delivered in a way that is appropriate to the subject and to the children’s varied learning styles. Pupil’s are taught by specialist teachers and practitioners who find ways to effectively stimulate each pupil’s learning and development in a safe and supported setting and offers a learning plan that is personalised to each pupil.


Most of our staff have British Sign Language (BSL) qualifications ranging from Level 1 to Level 3. They are experts in their field and are committed to sharing best practice. They are constantly learning, developing and innovating so that our school continues to offer the very best education.


Because of where the school is situated, we are very lucky to have access to a variety of amenities on the Quex Park estate too so – we have access to forest walks, the crazy golf, soft play, horse riding, animals, the Powell-Cotton Museum, shops and cafes etc.


We have an onsite small animals’ enclosure within the school that currently has rabbits and guinea pigs. We also have two school donkeys, Nellie and Phoebe and a therapy dog – Yogi. We also have access to alpacas and pgymy goats within the Quex Estate too.

As of September 2019 we have two fully qualified Level III Forest School practitioners.

Forest School


Forest School provides a rich, stimulating, holistic environment. It involves child-led challenging play with achievable targets. This helps to develop cognition, physical fitness, emotional resilience and social skills. All activities are carefully managed, enabling our learners to develop a growing awareness of outdoor conditions and settings whilst also building up their confidence. The skills pupils learn link to all aspects of the curriculum while encouraging them be out in the fresh air and access new experiences.


Learning is visual and tactile where pupils can explore and use all of their senses. Pupils are encouraged to participate in all weather conditions, and they can get mucky and wet and most importantly have fun!


There is a forest school building, a herb garden, opportunities for planting, taking care of the environment, a mud kitchen, trees have been planted, there is lots of opportunities to learn about our local wildlife and much more!

Engagement Steps

Engagement Steps is a formative assessment used for our pupils across all Key Stages who are not yet engaged in subject specific learning. It comprises four sections which reflect the four broad areas of need and includes the 7 areas of engagement.


Our pupils will, in many ways, be functioning at the very earliest levels of development regardless of their chronological age and will have additional physical difficulties and/or sensory impairments which must be taken into consideration; some may have medical or para-medical needs in addition to their learning difficulties.


Pupils following our semi-formal curriculum learn best when learning is related to their own experience and it is ‘meaningful and functional’ for their long-term needs. Some may learn through structured play; others will learn more effectively through functional activities, and yet others will respond well to a topic-based approach. Pupils are likely to be functioning at engagement steps 1 to 6. However, the teaching approach reflects the age, interests and the learning style of the pupils concerned and this framework helps our teachers and support staff to record the achievements of pupils who are working profoundly beneath age related expectations and who are working on an informal curriculum.

1. Cognition & Learning


2. Communication & Interaction

Expressive Communication
Receptive Communication

3. Social, Emotional & Mental Health

Expressive Communication
Receptive Communication

4. Sensory & Physical -Sensory Operation


Sensory & Physical -Sensory Operation

Fine Motor
Gross Motor

Progression Steps

Progression Steps is used for pupils across all Key Stages who are engaging with subject-specific learning. This framework covers the ability range identified by the new Pre Key Stage standards. It is an observation-based assessment. It helps teachers identify and record the ongoing achievements of pupils who are working moderately or severely beneath age-related expectations in some or all areas of their development. It can be used with pupils who are either studying elements from a formal curriculum or those who are still engaged in a semi-formal approach to learning.

Our Cognition and Learning content aims help staff to assess the knowledge and abilities associated with the intellectual development of each child against the National Curriculum subjects. We have increased the range of areas within the Progression Steps to include Sex and Relationship Education; Communication and Interaction; Social, Emotional and Mental Health; Sensory and/or Physical Development.

Primary Steps

Our Primary assessment structure for Key Stages 1 and 2 is taken directly from the National Curriculum.

It includes the End of Year Outcomes and the first 3 levels of our Progression Steps for pupils working below Year 1.

This framework is designed to be used by mainstream pupils and pupils with SEND.  It covers the required core subjects and all foundation subjects.

Steps for Life – Accredited pathway towards independent life and work skills

A personalised accredited pathway towards Awards, Certificate and/or Diplomas qualifications.

Entry Level 1 (NC1) – Level 2 (GCSE A-C) New Grades (4-7)

It is planned for our pupils age 14+ to follow an accredited curriculum pathway to develop skills for independent living, working and adult life. The emphasis is on our pupils becoming valued members of their community and having

Subjects range from literacy and maths qualifications to personal progress, independent living, and home life and work/employability skills.  Pupil pathway can reflect personal interest and aspirations at all levels from NC 1c – GCSE grade 4-7


“We came and we absolutely fell in love with the surroundings. The staff are lovely and very welcoming, the atmosphere is very relaxed and homely, enabling us all to feel comfortable.”